“Brilliant event - I feel change in the air.”
Mental Health Professional
“Can’t wait for the next one! Looking forward to taking further steps to realise a kinder education for all (and what that might look like in practice). Thanks for organising.”
“Really exciting and progresive. Fingers crossed we can really make a difference for the next generation of kids. Thank
you for all you are doing.”
“Many thanks, really stimulating discussions and looking forward to the next one!”
We began by sharing hopes for the future of education in groups attendees identified withsupported by wonderful facilitators. Attendees then collaborated on Padlets to record “What have you missed?” and “What would you keep?” from experiences of education during lockdowns. It was such a privilege to witness groups (incl. young people, parents, researchers, educators, mental health professionals) begin connecting over shared visions for the future of education. We’re now looking forward with excitement to our ‘Setting Research Priorities’ Event on 11/10/21!